Evening Events
Here you can find out more about our programme of social events. Check out the Events section for more general questions about our events.
What are evening events?
As well as our programme of outdoor activities there's a thriving social side to the group as well. Typical events include meals at local restaurants, films, plays and concerts.
Like weekends and day walks, our social events are organised by group members - if there's a restaurant you want to visit or a film you want to see, why not turn it into a group event?
How much do they cost?
The cost of an evening out obviously depends on the nature of the event. Basically you pay your own way, so when we go for meals the bill is divided so you pay for what you ate, rather than an even share. While this can lead to some complex calculations at the end of the evening it does mean your meal can be as cheap (or expensive) as you choose.
For ticketed events we'll usually collect money beforehand so the organiser can get seats all together and take advantage of any group rates. Be sure to tell him/her if you are entitled to any discounts.