Leicester Hiking & Hostelling Group Constitution

1. Name

The group is called "Leicester Hiking & Hostelling Group".

2. Objectives

The objectives of the group are the carrying on of a variety of outdoor walking and social activities for the benefit of members, a significant proportion of these activities should involve the use of hostels, bunkhouses and similar accommodation.

3. Membership

Any person who has complied with our General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) statement and attended at least one group event during the current year (September 1st to August 31st) is an Active Member of Leicester Hiking & Hostelling Group. Associate Members may join our mailing list, if they also comply with our GDPR Statement. Each member has the right to vote at the annual general meeting or a special general meeting.

4. Management

  1. The group is managed by a committee consisting of not more than 12 nor less than 4 members.
  2. The committee must manage the affairs of the group in accordance with these rules and must define the duties of several officers including a chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer, who are in all respects subject to the committee.
  3. The entire committee shall retire at the date of each annual general meeting and the members shall elect a new committee for the following year, which may include all or any of the members of the retiring committee.
  4. The committee may fill any casual vacancy that occurs.
  5. Meetings of the committee may be convened by the Chairperson or by any three committee members. There should be a minimum of four committee meetings per year.
  6. Four committee members constitute a quorum at committee meetings.
  7. Every question at committee meetings shall be decided upon by a majority of votes. If votes are equal the chairperson, or acting chairperson, shall have the final decision.
  8. The committee may from time to time make, repeal and amend any procedures (not inconsistent with this constitution) as it thinks expedient for the management and wellbeing of the group and the furtherance of its objectives. .
  9. All procedures made by the committee under this rule are binding on the members until repealed by the committee or set aside by resolution of the annual general meeting or a special general meeting of the group.

5. Data Protection: Policy and Management

The committee shall be responsible for maintaining the group's Data Protection Policy and will nominate a committee member responsibility for ensuring that this policy fulfils all current, necessary and legal obligations in this area. A copy of this policy will be made available on the group website.

Any member granted temporary access to this data, and all committee members, must behave in full compliance with the group's Data Protection Policy.

6. Group Records

  1. The membership secretary must keep a list of members as the committee may from time to time direct.
  2. The group secretary must keep minutes of proceedings of the committee and of general meetings and such other records of the group as the committee may from time to time direct.

7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  1. An AGM must be held once in each calendar year not more than fifteen months after the previous AGM
  2. Each AGM shall be held at such place and on such day as shall be determined by the committee and notified to all members not less than seven days prior to the date of the meeting.
  3. The business at the AGM must include:
    1. Reports from officers of the committee.
    2. Approval of the accounts for the year.
    3. Consideration of all motions on the agenda paper. Members wishing to place a motion for consideration may do so in writing properly proposed and seconded, and forwarded to the secretary prior to the start of the meeting.
    4. Election of the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and the remainder of the committee. All contested elections shall be by ballot.
    5. Election of two auditors.
    6. Any Other Business.

8. Special General Meeting

The committee may at any time convene a special general meeting for any specific purpose and must do so on the requisition of any ten members or 1/5 of the membership (whichever is the lesser) stating the business for which it is required. Such a meeting shall be called and notified to all members not later than one calendar month from the receipt of such notice.

9. Group Accounts

  1. The treasurer must keep such books of accounts as the committee may from time to time direct.
  2. Cheques must be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by at least one committee member.
  3. The group financial year is from the 1st September to the 31st August.
  4. The treasurer must produce an audited statement of receipts and expenditure and a balance sheet made as at 31st August in each year (or such other date as shall be determined by the committee).
  5. The annual statement and balance sheet must be submitted to the group at each annual general meeting and a copy must be made available to any member at that annual general meeting.

10. Amendment of the Group Constitution

  1. The constitution may be altered or repealed and revised rules may be added by resolution at the annual general meeting or at a special general meeting duly summoned for the purpose.
  2. A resolution to alter or repeal or add new rules must be passed by a majority of at least 2/3 of the members voting on the resolution.

11. Interpretation of the Rules

  1. The committee is the sole authority for the interpretation of this constitution and any procedures made by it.
  2. The decision of the committee on any matter affecting the group and not covered by this constitution or current procedures is final and binding on the members.

12. Dissolution

If at any annual general meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the group is passed by a majority of the members present and at a special general meeting held not less than six weeks later (of which not less than four weeks written notice has been given to each member and at which not less than 1/2 of the members are present) that resolution is confirmed by a resolution passed by a majority of 2/3 of the members voting on it the committee must immediately, or at such future date as is specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the property and funds of the group and after discharge of all liabilities must divide the property equally among all the members of the group and on the completion of such division the group will be dissolved.