Here you can find out who runs this group and the jobs that they do. If you're interested in getting more involved with the group, this is a good place to start.
Who are the committee?
The group is run by a committee of people elected at an annual meeting. This year's incumbents are:
Chairperson: | Alan Summers | 07970 778649 |
Treasurer: | Dave Self | 0744 3398994 |
Secretary: | John Spiers | 0116 2302401 / 0777 8251285 |
Event Coordinator: | Bohdan Wasyliw | 0116 2708299 / +447832192402 |
Membership Secretary: | Mick Nice | 0116 2543536 / 07399 600846 |
Webmasters: | Chris Hunt | 0116 2332230 |
Ellen Sharrocks | 0779 1060348 | |
General Assistant: | Marian Eames | 0789 0385288 |
It should be stressed that the group relies upon the labours of all its members, not just the committee, for its continued success. All members take their share in organising events and promoting the group.
What do the committee do?
The group committee is organised into seven posts, each with its own responsibilities. Group members are elected to fill these posts at an annual meeting. The committee posts are (in no particular order):
Organises and conducts committee meetings and the AGM, as well as being the Groups's primary representative to external bodies.
Conducts the group's correspondence, receives and distributes "Group Post" from the YHA.
Manages the group's finances, produces accounts for quarterly commitee meetings and the AGM.
Event Coordinator
Coordinates the programme of events, ensuring an even spread across the year. Designs and produces the printed version of the programme.
Membership Secretary
Keeps our membership list up to date.
Edits and produces the group's website.
General Assistant
Assists the other committee members with the running of the group.
When is the next committee meeting?
Committee meetings are held every three months. Any member of the group is welcome to attend a meeting - contact the Chairperson if you are interested.
How do I get on to the committee?
Committee members are elected at an Annual General Meeting which is held at the beginning of October each year. Where more than one candidate stands for a particular post they speak and answer members' questions before a secret ballot takes place. Where people stand unopposed they are confirmed by a simple show of hands.
If you are thinking of standing for election you might like to talk to one of the existing committee members to find out what's involved (though of course, you don't have to do so).
PS. If you've reached here by clicking "Next Section" all the way from question one, Well Done! You should now know more about the group than many of its members! If there is anything missing from this list, please tell the webmaster about it.