Day Events

This section contains information about our day walks and cycle rides. Check out the Events section for more general questions about our events.

What is a day event?

Whilst the main purpose of our group is making weekend (or longer) trips to youth hostels, we also run regular events closer to home. we regularly organise a day's walking or cycling, usually somewhere in Leicestershire.

Like weekend trips, day events are organised by a member of the group who will collect the names of those interested in going and try to arrange transport for those that need it. Transport arrangements for day evens are a lot more ad-hoc than for weekends due to the shorter distances involved, but we can usually find space for you in somebody's car.

Having met at a suitable rendezvous, we'll walk (or cycle or whatever) for most of the day, usually stopping for a packed lunch on the way. Often, we'll stop at (or near) a pub for lunch, but don't depend on it. It's best to check with the organiser if you want to leave your lunchbox at home - you might end up very hungry!

Not all day events are walks, we might visit tourist attractions or anything else that members want to do. Keep your eye on the programme for upcoming events. If you want to go somewhere or do something, why not make it a group event? It'll be more fun and can work out cheaper too!

How much do they cost?

We make no charge for ordinary local walking or cycling trips - just turn up and join us! Individual drivers are left to make arrangements with their passengers for petrol money if they wish to do so.

If we visit some attraction where an admission charge is required, we charge a 30p per head surcharge that goes into group funds. Be sure to tell the organiser if you are entitled to any discounts on ticket prices etc.

What should I take on a day event?

Here's a list of the kind of things you should be taking for a typical day's walk with the group. Day walks vary quite a lot in their level of difficulty, have a word with the organiser if you in any doubt about equipment required.

Though we often make a lunch stop at or near a pub, don't turn up for a day walk relying on getting a pub lunch without checking with the organiser first. Also remember how quickly the weather can change - however sunny it may look in the morning you might still be diving for your waterproofs before the end of the day!