This section contains general questions about the events the group organises. You can find more specific information in the seperate Weekend, Day and Evening sections.
How are your events organised?
We have so much going on, the only way for our events to be successful is teamwork. There are usually two people organising the Social events if there is something you want to see, or you know of a good place to eat then speak up. Ideas are always welcome. The weekends away and Sunday walks are organised by anyone who wants to have a go. It is very easy and everyone is encouraged, but not forced, to organise a trip or local walk if they want Although we are an informal Group we do need to have a few basic rules that everyone should follow when organising an event. We have a Guide explaining how to go about organising an event and these guidelines are there for everyone, whether it is the first time or the hundred and first.
How do I find out what's going on?
We have a programme that's constantly updated with new events. The first and third Wednesday nights of each month are our meeting nights, a chance to socialise with other group members, find out more about future events, and sign up for those you want to go on. Wednesday evening meetings are not compulsory but it is a good way to find out what's going on.
How do I book on a trip?
If you can go to a Wednesday meeting, you just put your name on the sheet of paper that is being handed round. If you wish to join a weekend trip, you will need to pay a deposit. You will also need to say whether you will be a passenger or a driver.
If you are not able to get to the meeting on a Wednesday, you should contact the organiser of the event. Their contact details can be found in the programme. You can make your advanced payment by cheque and post it to the organiser. Cheques should be made payable to:
Leicester Hiking & Hostelling Group
What equipment do I need?
It is important that you have adequate kit for the kind of walk that you intend to take part in. This does not mean that you have to go out and spend hundreds of pounds on new gear. Nobody will care whether your waterproofs cost £20 or £200. What really matters is how comfortable you want to be. Having said that, if you intend to go up a mountain you must have good waterproofs and boots amongst your kit. Your life may depend on it. See below for a list of things to pack.
If you talk to the organiser of the walk you will be able to find out what to expect on that particular walk and you will be able to make a more informed decision as to whether you and your kit are up to it. We do try to cater for everyone on the majority of our walks but there are a few walks that are up mountains that do require a certain level of fitness and reliable walking gear. The weather can change very quickly and with very little shelter your life could well depend on keeping warm and dry.
On a lighter note, for a low level walk in Leicestershire you could walk in jeans and trainers. You may well receive a few comments about your unwise choice of attire but you will be very welcome to join us. Trainers offer little support for ankles but some of the more boot like styles could be adequate for many low level walks. If it rains, even a short shower, you will probably have wet jeans for the rest of the day as denim is very thick and it retains water extremely well. Denim also shrinks when it is wet and as well as being a very course material, so you could end up being very sore if you wear jeans. Cotton trousers are much more suitable, or leggings. it is advisable to pack waterproof clothing and it doesn't have to be the top of the range. You have to consider how much wear it will get and what kind of walks you are likely to take part in.
If you do intend to buy new items for outdoors, check out the vendors in the Group Shop. Buying your stuff through our website costs you nothing extra (and can be much cheaper than the high street) but earns the group a modest commission.
How do I arrange a group event?
We rely on our membership to organise our events, that's how we're able to present such a full and varied programme. If you're ready to arrange your first event, have a word with the Programme Secretary who can tell you what dates are available and advise on how to go about it. You can also get a copy of our Event Organisers' Guide.
Is the group insured?
One of the benefits that the group gets from affiliation to the YHA is free third-party insurance cover. This covers us against claims made by non-members should one of our events go wrong. Sadly it doesn't cover the losses or injuries of individual members. Aside from the odd blister or misplaced walking pole such things are practically unheard of, but you may want to take out your own travel insurance just in case. Check out one of the online travel insurers on our Shop page.